Friday, November 16, 2007


Hello people, I have reached Hyderabad for the weekend. The journey was horrible. Firstly,the Bangalore traffic sucks. Its airport does even harder.And it can't get any worse if u reach the aerodrome after an hour and half in the rick and are you are informed your 55-minute-flight has been delayed by a couple of hours. I had no more than half a book to read and i knew it wouldn't make a good airport-reading. But i was stranded and had no choice. The book managed to keep me occupied for a hour and a half after which i gave up. This wasn't working. I had to pass time and i did the next half an hour by pee-ing twice and then trying seven different kinds of knots with my shoelace.

Finally, i boarded the flight only to know my aisle seat was occupied by an elderly man who wanted to exchange his seat with mine. So here i was sandwiched between a 30+ year old married woman and a 60 year old bigshot executive!! (No!! he wasn't a bigshot. He traveled low-cost after all). So here i was trying desperately to keep myself occupied and then it struck. What i came up with to keep myself occupied for the rest of the 30 odd minutes was i thought very interesting : Anagrams of my name.
(ALERT ALERT : Did you know "NEW STOP" "NEW POST" and "NEW SPOT" were anagrams???)


The first thing that came up was :

PAY CHINA STAR!!!! (Hey!! good going but those exclamatory marks were uncalled for. Anyways.)

PYAAR CAN SHIT!!!! (Pat pat!! good job man.)

HIS ARYAN PACT. (Now,that's some serious insight into the Indian history.)

HIS CAN YAP, RA!! (This is for the gults. "RA" meaning "Yo man!! Hey chikita komasthas!!!")

CHAT IS A RAP? : Y/N (I know it's meaningless but did you realise i managed to squeeze a question out of it. Guhahhahha!!!)

The rest of them were rather a result of the jittery landing than my intellectual prowess.


SAT AIR PANCHY* (* i don't know what it means)

PSRCHATIANAY (oh oh!!! i feel nauseated)


So before it gets absolutely meaningless, let me stop here and ask you try the same with your name or watever and post it in the comments. Also vote for the least worst anagram of mine. The best comment will get a free comment-response from my side.
So, go on ,unleash your imagination [:P] and let me close it with another one of mine : " RAT SHIT PAN !!! CYA!!! "

P.S: It's 2 AM here and due to some divine intervention i have changed my name to PSR CHAITTANYA. Hence the extra 'T' in the last anagram!!!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Just in case you wanted to know ...

There are times when you HAVE to look for an inspiration to blog. Doesn't happen often but i must confess i have been doing just that for the last 6 hours. You look at people around , find nothing interesting and then decide to hit the cafeteria to grab some grub . You walk straight, walk into a elevator and there you find it. Everywhere inside . On every female shoulder surrounding you . Yes!!! You have found the subject of your next post!!! Yippee!!! You fasten your tie, smile at the girl standing beside and walk out feeling triumphant.

Now you know what i am going to talk about. Yes!!! The ubiquitous handbag . The handbang is something without which there is no her. If ubiquity was the measure of greatness of anything, the handbag comes second only to our very own real rockstar Himesh Reshamiyya. Every gal loves Himesh and each one has an handbag. Some fashion conscious have as many as thirty one. One for each day of the month.

So whats so important about this female-handbag? Legend has it that the concept of all-products-under-one-roof-superstore came about when, not so long ago a suspicious husband peeped into his wife's handbag. And that was a watershed moment in the history of corporate retail.

The suspicious husband was amazed at the pure quantum of things in his wife's bag. He counted as he took each one of them out 1.Lipgloss 2. Eyeliner 3.A Comb 4.Talcum powder 5. More talcum Powder 6.Glasses 7.Vicks 8.Chocolates 9.Pins 10. Nail polish 11. Censored censored (No! i am not saying this aloud).... and he stopped counting. Blink!! Blink!! The idea struck . "Super Market" he yelled at the top of his voice. The husband here was Sam walton and we all know the rest is history. ( Research revealed Mr.Sam initially wanted to name his stores "Her needs").

Women in general and my sister in particular needs the whole world inside her handbag. She has so many things in her handbag that i have to move the furniture in my bedroom to make space for her handbag each time she visits us. She is a mother of two and you can only expect the paraphernalia to increase. Nappies,crayons, rough paper and a barbie doll also make it to the list. Surprisingly the size of the bag essentially remains the same.

But the best part of all this is you can have a standard answer for anything your niece asks for. Makes life easy when you are busy doing something as important as reading Calvin and Hobbes. You just don't have to care . There's only one answer:

"Maama, where are my crayons"
Me: In your mom's handbag.

"Maama, my chocolates"
Me : Your mom's handbag.
"whr in her bag??"
Me: That red zip. (busy munching my pack of Lays)

"Maama, there's someone in the bathroom. Where do i pee? "
Me: Your mom's bag.....and drop this packet in the dustbin on your way!!. .....Hahahaah. Calvin is god!!!

These days even the business houses have realised the importance of handbags and their role in product-sales with this simple strategy: Technology , Advertising and Free Handbags!!!

Buy just three LCD HDTV's for your family and get an amazing ladies' leather handbag * absolutely free.

Buy yourself a plush plot in our Pragathi resorts and get one cute handbag** for , brace yourselves, Yes!! Free!!!!

Maruthi has reported a 10% increase in sales since it started delivering the car keys in a pink coloured ladies' handbag with 'gal power' printed on it.

With so much to that little piece of leather, you must have been convinced by now about why i chose what i have for this post : Little economics, little business, little art but mostly jobless-ness. So on that note let me take leave and do what i do best in my office hours. Play Solitaire.

* (that doesn't smell like cow's shit)
** (We have run out of the pink coloured ones)

P.S : I had composed this post a week back , saved it on my desktop ,then lost the file only to find it again today. These computers act weird just like the average gult software engineer except that if you stay long enough with him, it becomes your constitutional right to rip open his head with a hammer but you can't do the same thing to a company desktop.

Update Update: It's Diwali today and "Know More Nonsense" wishes one and all a very happy and a safe Diwali. And forget about those 'silent diwalis' and light a lot of bombs and flower pots.
On this very auspicious occasion i have to share one of my PJ's.

Q)How do employees at Infosys celebrate Diwali?

A) Burning CD's...Guhahahahaha!!!!