Sunday, July 13, 2008

Alarm Alarm : This is no country for young men !!! Young patriots, before you begin to pillory me, let me explain.

I have only lately understood what "dangerous surplus of sons" actually means. I used to mock people who said it,but not anymore, after i've seen the sex ratio projections today.

Census has it that in India, there are 1000 men for every 923 women. And by 2050 it is projected that there'll be a whopping 1000 men for every 880 women. Do you even understand what those numbers mean?

It means 77 single eligible bachelors, come what may !!! It means that even the last girl can make 78 unfortunate guys stand in a row , stark naked ,make us dance to some Hritik number and then choose the biggest jerk among the lot, like they always do !!!

Ok Ok, if that doesn't sound alarming enough, consider this !!! India's population right now stands at 1.3 billion half of them below the age of 25. Assume the present sex ratio and after some simple multiplications, you'll come down to the number 13 million. Interpret the number as 13 million young,peaceful marriageable bachelors. F**ity ow!!!!

Staggering 130 lakh single men . I know 130 of us including our manager from our firm are definite shooins for the above category but i am still thinking about the rest of the unfortunate people.

Next time you find a guy kicking his door for no reason or fiercely boxing a wall , or a guy yelling at the top of his voice in the middle of the road or you find one banging the office desk hysterically, don't bother. We guys just have to let it out. This is no country for young men. I am going to, that Ivanovic- Jankovic country, yes Serbia !!! How 'bout you ???

P.S : The trailers of "Rock on" starring Farhan Akthar look extremely interesting !!! Three songs are real funky. The film is about music, four men and their girlfriends. The director did a wonderful job of maintaining a sex ratio of one . See, it happens only in the movies !!!!