Tuesday, September 25, 2007

World Champions!!!!

We did it !!!!!!

And "Mr. Misbah-ul-haq, remember: Mallus are everywhere . Even at short-fineleg!!!"
Was this the SMS that was doing rounds??


Abhay said...

how true :)
btw, i was dead tense when dhoni gave joginder the last over. i thot it wud be the blunder of the tournament !

Naresh said...

i knew thr wud b sth on cricket here :S

though i dont quit fantasise cricket, i did enjoy the final... obvly who wud not wid a pep delhi crowd in a fancy pub?! ;)

Anonymous said...

oyee PSR looks like ur creative juices have dried up!
u shd be pretty busy coding all the time at infy.. huh?
keep ur blog readers busy!!!! we're waitin for the nxt one....

PSR Chaitanya said...

@Abhay, Naresh
Thank you for dropping in. :)

@ Rashmi
"oyee PSR looks like ur creative juices have dried up! "

I have taken it on my manhood now. A post will soon follow. :D